My 5 Favourite Quirky Italian Traits

We all know food and fashion are both very important to the Italians, but what about their funny little traits, which are handed down to each generation?

After living in Italy for many years you soon begin to notice the subtle differences of the Italians. Here are my five favourites

1.Never go outside with wet hair

I learnt this the hard way when dashing outside after a quick shower and was shouted at by a very concerned Nonna leaning from her balcony! If you go outside without drying your hair, you’ll risk getting a “colpo d’aria” – or, literally, a “blast of air”.

This is said to cause anything from a sore neck to indigestion. In Italy, a sudden change of temperature is generally considered bad for your health, so when Italians get sick, they like to blame it on the wind.

2.Italian drivers

There seems to be two speeds in Italy, very fast or exceptionally slow. They like to weave in out of traffic and also snuggle up close to your car bumper.

Traffic lights turn from red to green in a split second, there’s no amber light here and you need to be ready to go! Don’t hover on a pedestrian crossing, you will be waiting all day .. be both brave and cautious.

Give this a watch:

3.Talking Hands

The hand gestures, I love the way the Italians talk with their hands with so much passion and drama. Only yesterday I was driving along and noticed the two women in the car in front of me. Their arms were flying around the car like branches in the wind, they were probably only chatting about what they were having for dinner that night, but oh the passion that went into that conversation. I have to say it was a bit worrying watching the driver’s hands continually flying off the steering wheel. I decided to keep a safe distance behind!

4.Forming a queue or line

This rarely happens, anywhere! You are more likely to come across a chaotic cluster than a nice ordered queue!

When I first arrived in Italy, I would patiently stand and wait my turn at the fruit and vegetable market. It took me a while to realise there was no line and people just went straight to the front or shouted out their shopping list from the four rows back.

5.Italian dress code

This one always makes me smile. The Italians dress for the season, not for the weather and are afraid of the cold.

Coats are worn from September through to May, whatever the weather. It can be 30c outside and the coat will not be removed….. because it’s October. Young children are swaddled in hats, scarves, gloves and thick coats in order to stay safe from the wicked wind.

Every country has their own quirks, but this is just another reason why I love Italy and the Italian people.

A Presto

Dawn x


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Dine Drink Discover: February 2021